iso: 400
fstop: 4
ss: 1/500
i learned when taking these photos, to set up the shutter speed first and make sure the shutterspeed is fast enough so that the subject is frozen and not blurred. i discovered when the shutterspeed was too slow, it gets blurry. i would recommend doing these photos outside because it gets much light.
iso: 800
fstop: 8
ss: 1/30
i learned while taking this photo, a tripod is needed or the background would be all camera shake and stuff. the shutterspeed has to be slow enough that there is a blur in the picture. if the shutterspeed is too fast, everything is frozen. i would recommend having more time to practice these shots because making up an idea is difficult.
iso: 800
fstop: 22
ss: 2
i learned that when taking these photos, a tripod is usually handy to keep the camera facing the same direction. i thought that zooming was a fast zoom, but it actually ends up really good when the zoom is slow. i would recommend doing this indoors because outdoors can sometimes be too bright for a long shutterspeed.
wrighting with light
iso: 200
ss: 46.9
i learned that when taking these photos, so use the lowest iso on the camera. the fstop shouldnt really matter, but this definitely needs a tripod. i like how the lights stand out. i would recommend in class to do this for more than just 5 minutes...
iso: 1600
fstop: 3.5
ss: 1/100
i learned that this photo is mega super photoshopped. i didnt know when taking this photo, that it takes multiple shots with one shot without any subject with just the background. this photo needs a tripod. i like how this kind of photo can be taken with just one person multiple places. i would recommend giving us more time to edit this in class.
iso: 200
fstop: 5.6
ss: 1/200
i learned that each photo depending on how fast the subject, needs a different shutterspeed. fast moving subjects need a faster shutterspeed like this photo. i would recommend doing this outdoors because there is more freedom for movement.